Ultra Recall is knowledge management software or information management software. It manages the information of any kind that is stored in your computer by storing it in a Database.
What you do is create an Ultra Recall Database (*.urd file). You can create any number of database files and save them anywhere, transfer them to another system, etc. The database files have a good rate of compression.
There are a lot of parts of a database file. Appointments, tasks, notes, contacts and projects are some basic items. There is also an 'imported items' section. The "import wizard" can be used to import various items to this list. We have a large range of possibilities; we can import Internet explorer favorites, TreePad file, XML, RTF, web page, Firefox or Netscape or Mozilla bookmarks, or just a general file; we can even import a movie or song, or anything alse. It doesn't depend on whether the software recognizes the file type. It just stores it in the database. This is very convenient as we can password protect the database and store the files we need in it. But the database has a URD extension, which can only be understood by the software. So, if we need to transfer the database and access it in some other computer, the software must be installed in that system too.
Keywords can be generated / set for various items as they are added to the database so that searching the database becomes easier. A huge list of other features makes it the best software of its kind.